Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The End is Just the Beginning

IT'S OVER! Finally finished with the semester and did pretty well (Thanks to God for answering my prayers for school all semester) considering the amount of work I had, and the amount of effort I put in. Sorry to the friends and family who's bubble I just burst because you thought I worked harder at school then I actually do. My finals schedule wasn't all that bad. Started Friday at 8am and 1:30pm. Saturday at 8am, and Monday at 10:30am. What was bad was the horrible virus my good friend Joanna and I got from the Penley's bible study cookout. Thursday morning we both got horribly sick and I laid in bed almost all day praying for sweet relief. Being sick really set me back on studying... but if you want the truth, it gave me a reason not to study even though if I had wanted to, I couldn't. It was bad. Just take my word for it.

Cru is also over for the year. It was a great year of growth for me and for the ministry. To make a long story short, we have been turning to God to help our ministry to be successful. All semester we have been discussing "what is the gospel?", and it has been great. Not only that, making some great new friends, growing closer with old friends, and having a new appreciation for the relationship God wants with us. With the end of the year we say goodbye to seniors and only Nick Lane could send them off in such a great way (and only Nick can procrastinate in such a way the night before his last exam)

Now with exams being over, its two weeks of pure bliss. Video games, reading, and watching hockey for the next two weeks. Then comes summer school. Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm for three weeks, but I will survive and make it to Australia.

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